Corporate Philosophy & Message from the CEO
Corporate Philosophy
- FRANCE BED aims to be an a_ectionate companythat helps people live affluent,
relaxing lives through creation and innovation. - We will achieve the greatest possible value for our shareholders.
We will create new and highly valuable products and services. - We will strengthen the group’s overall power by making effective useof its business resources
Message from the CEO
Advancing structural reform of the group businesses in order to respond toconsumption styles and other changes of the age.

As the average life expectancy of the Japanese continues to grow and the national government pursues discussions by establishing the Council for Designing 100-Year Life Society, the FRANCE BED Group will continue to strengthen the silver age business and aggressively advance business development in this area.
Especially in Japan, along with the shrinking workforce, as issues such as the lack of care workers at facilities and the elderly looking after the elderly at home,will intensify,we will focus on developing and expanding sales of new products that will help “lighten and reduce labor” to solve such problems.
Taking the opportunity of the expanding consumption style of not “owning” things, but “using” them only during the time required, we will apply the rental expertise cultivated by our medical services business, one of our group’s main businesses, in our home furnishings and health business as well.
We will advance structural reform of our group businesses so that in the future, the ratio of sales from rentals will increase from the current one-third to one half.